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Skopeo Container Encryption

Securosys Docker Image Encryption Plugin

High assurance environments such as financial, federal government, or medical industries have strict requirements in terms of protecting the confidentiality of container workloads. To protect these workloads, you can use encryption technologies to secure the confidentiality of workloads and fulfill workload compliance controls (such as those described in NIST Special Publication 800-53).

The OCIcrypt library is the OCI image spec implementation of container image encryption. More details of the spec can be found in the OCI repository. The purpose of this library is to encode spec structures and constants as well as to provide a consistent implementation of image encryption across container runtimes and build tools. Consumers of OCIcrypt are:

  • containerd/imgcrypt

  • cri-o

  • skopeo

The Securosys Docker Image Encryption Plugin is published and tested for Skopeo, but it might similarly be used with containerd/imgcrypt, cri-o. Skopeo serves as a valuable tool for container image management, offering a lightweight and efficient means of copying, inspecting, and manipulating container images across different registries and environments, ultimately enhancing container orchestration and deployment processes.

The Securosys Docker Image Encryption Plugin connects the OCIcrypt and Skopeo with the Transaction Security Broker, which in turn communicates directly with the HSM. This way, the keys can be generated and stored in the safe and hardware-protected environment of the Securosys HSM.

Figure: Securosys Docker Image encryption workflow