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Plugin configuration

Securosys Docker Signing Notation Plugin


In this guide we will use the Linux Ubuntu 22 (amd 64), for other operating systems and Linux distributions please refer to the referenced guides.


Note on some occasion's commands may require root permissions. Your system and docker user permissions should be configured beforehand to avoid any potential permission issues.

Plugin configuration

The config.json file, extracted from the downloaded Securosys Docker Signing configuration files in chapter, is used to configure the Securosys Docker Signing Notation Plugin connection between:

  • the Notation CLI
  • Securosys Transaction Security Broker (TSB), as linking element to the CloudHSM or on-prem Primus HSM.

The config.json file contains the Transaction Security Broker (TSB) connection parameters:

  • URL,
  • authentication method,
  • authentication token / TLS parameters.

Add the Transaction Security Broker (TSB) connection parameters provided by the Securosys CloudHSM operations team or by your HSM/TSB administrator.

Configure Securosys plugin configuration file

After completing the automatic notation-securosys install, or manually creating and copying of the necessary files and setting the environment variables, copy the Docker Signing Notation Plugin config.json configuration file to the {BINARY_PATH} and edit using your preferred editor.


The notation-securosys plugin defaults to searching for the config.json file in the {BINARY_PATH}. To use a different directory, set the CONFIG_PATH environment variable.

Copy config.json to BINARY_PATH and start editing:

cp ./config.json BINARY_PATH/config.json 

vi {BINARY_PATH}/config.json

The default config.json configuration file must be adapted according to your parameters. Replace the variables on the right side with your parameters.

You may replace the link below by a TSBaaS - Connectivity Details for accurate API-Endpoint URI.

Example default config.json file:


"restApi": "",

"authType": "TOKEN",

"token": "TSBtoken",

"apiKeys": {
"KeyManagementToken": ["TSB-TOKEN_1...", "TSB-TOKEN_2..."],
"KeyOperationToken": ["TSB-TOKEN_3..", "TSB-TOKEN_4.."],
"ServiceToken": ["TSB-TOKEN_5...", "TSB-TOKEN_6.."]
"applicationKeyPair": {
"publicKey": "PUBLIC_KEY",
"privateKey": "PRIVATE_KEY"

"metaData": {

"UserMetadata": "example of metaData"



Config.json configuration parameters:

Configuration ParametersDescription
"restApi":""Replace the variable with your connection parameter for CloudsHSM's REST API service or for the customer's on-prem deployment.
Authentication based on JWT token, standard value for CloudHSM's REST/TSB API service.
Authentication based on mutual TLS. Used for CloudHSM Platinum REST/TSB API service or on-premises deployments.
"token":"TSBtoken"For "authType":"TOKEN": Replace the variable with your own TSB JWT token. Omit in case of "authType":"CERT".
"certpath": "PathToCrt"For "authType":"CERT": Provide the full path of the server certificate file. Omit in case of "authType":"TOKEN".
"keypath": "PathToKey"For "authType":"CERT": Provide the full path of the client key file. Omit in case of "authType":"TOKEN".
"apiKeys": {...}Additional authentication for TSB, set correct api keys values for specific operations, more than one token can be provided for each field. This is optional and will not break existing deployments. For more info visit page
"applicationKeyPair":{...}Pair of public and private key (base64 encoded) used to calculate the signature.
"metaData":{"UserMetadata":"example of metaData"}Optional, add any user metadata, e.g. description.

Example configured config.json file for shared (token-based) CloudHSM setup:


"restApi": "",

"authType": "TOKEN",

"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJwcmltdXNkZXYiLCJ2ZXIiOjEsIm5iZiI6MTY4MDUxNT…",

"apiKeys": {
"KeyManagementToken": ["tsb-x-token_1...", "tsb-x-token_2..."],
"KeyOperationToken": ["tsb-x-token_3..", "tsb-x-token_4.."],
"ServiceToken": ["tsb-x-token_5...", "tsb-x-token_6.."]
"applicationKeyPair": {
"publicKey": "MIIBIjANBgkqhk...",
"privateKey": "MIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQE..."

"metaData": {

"UserMetadata": "example of metaData"



Create Securosys plugin configuration environment variable and directory (optional)


In case you want to store the config.json file in a different directory than {BINARY_PATH}, the environment variable CONIFG_PATH must be set.
You may use this to set up communication with different HSM partitions.

Choose one of the options to set the CONFIG_PATH variable:

  1. Set an environment variable pointing to the configuration path and add it to ~/.bashrc, then reload in the shell:
echo 'export CONFIG_PATH=PLUGIN_CONFIG_PATH' >> ~/.bashrc 

source ~/.bashrc

Refresh the terminal window or source ~/.bashrc to confirm the changes to the file and set the environment variable. Example:

Echo 'export CONFIG_PATH="${HOME}/.config/notation/plugins/securosys/config.json"' >> ~/.bashrc 

source ~/.bashrc
  1. Alternatively, add this variable temporarily to the system environment with the following command:
export CONFIG_PATH="${HOME}/.config/notation/plugins/securosys/config.json" 
  1. In case the variable is not set in the system environment, CONFIG_PATH={PLUGIN_CONFIG_PATH} must be applied before every command, e.g.
CONFIG_PATH=$CONFIG_PATH/config.json ./notation-securosys describe-key
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