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Release Notes

Securosys Hashicorp Vault Integration 1.2.5

Issued: Dec, 6, 2023


  • Updated core of Hashicorp Vault to 1.15.4.


  • Fixed authentication with TSB using mTLS

Securosys Hashicorp Vault Integration 1.2.4

Issued: Dec, 4, 2023


  • Updated core of Hashicorp Vault to 1.15.3.

Securosys Hashicorp Vault Integration 1.2.3

Issued: Nov, 9, 2023


  • Updated core of Hashicorp Vault to 1.15.2.

Securosys Hashicorp Vault Integration 1.2.2

Issued: Oct, 26, 2023


  • Added posibility to provide full policy json from TSB to auto unseal configuration.

Securosys Hashicorp Vault Integration 1.2.1

Issued: Oct, 25, 2023


  • Updated core of Hashicorp Vault to 1.15.1.

Securosys Hashicorp Vault Integration 1.2.0

Issued: Oct, 6, 2023


  • Updated core of Hashicorp Vault to 1.15.0.

Securosys Hashicorp Vault Integration 1.1.1

Issued: Sep, 18, 2023


  • Removed sending empty password char array on not provided password.

Securosys Hashicorp Vault Integration 1.1.0

Issued: Aug, 7, 2023


  • This version is not compatible on the go with version 1.0.0, If You are using securosys-hsm or securosys-hsm-with-policy seal/unseal

Config Changes

  • Modified method to active seal/unseal Vault using Securosys HSM
  • Removed old config-hsm.yml files
  • Added new section to config.hcl to support native auto unsealing operations
  • Modified example of config.hcl
    • Added example configuration for auto unseal

Documentation Change

  • Modified all configuration files
  • Added section migration from 1.0.0 to newer versions

Securosys Hashicorp Vault Integration 1.0.0

Issued: May, 26, 2023