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Installation using Golang

Prerequisites: Install Golang 1.21.2 (downloand).

  • On Windows : Add GOPATH and GOROOT manually to the system environment and restart your console.

    • GOPATH default %USERPROFILE%\go
    • GOROOT defaults to %programfiles%

Environment Variables

export VAULT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT=2000 This change is necessary, as the HashiCorp Vault default value is too low (60 seconds). The higher value is required for some operations (e.g. rekey) when waiting for an approved response.

Additional prerequisites for UI

For the graphical User Interface the following packages must be installed on the machine:

Node.js (with NPM) - version v16.17.1

Yarn - Can be installed with the command npm install -g yarn

How to build Vault CE

Using pre-built releases

You can find pre-built releases of the Vault Community Edition on the Securosys JFrog artifactory. Download the latest binary file, corresponding to your target OS, configuration files, or docker image.

Further documentation and credentials are available via the Securosys Support Portal or the Securosys web-site.

Build from sources

There are multiple ways to build and run the Vault application.

To build Vault run either go build -o [executable_name] or use the command make bin. This will build it using the Make file configuration. The Vault executable will be placed in the bin directory.

To build Vault with User Interface, run the following commands

  • make static-dist

  • make bin The Vault executable will be placed in the bin directory.

To build a docker image, run the following command make docker VERSION={$VERSION} where {$VERSION}will be a version of the Securosys Vault image.

To build Vault executables for different platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD), make release VERSION={$VERSION} where {$VERSION} will be a version of build.

To build everything, docker image and all executables for all platforms, make release-all VERSION={$VERSION} where {$VERSION} will be a version of build.

How to run Vault CE

You can run Vault without building it go run ./main.go [vault parameters]

Developer mode

To run the server in dev mode use either of the following commands go run ./main.go server -dev or ./executable_name server -dev

In dev mode, all data is stored only in memory and keys will be initialized every time.

Production mode

To run the server in production mode use either of the following commands go run ./main.go server -config=config.hcl or ./executable_name server -config=config.hcl

Create the directory "data" (if it does not already exist).

If the Vault server is not yet initialized, then use either of the following commands go run ./main.go operator init -address or ./executable_name operator init -address

These commands initialize the Vault server with default Vault encryption.