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Key Enumeration

This code provides a sample of how to enumerate and inspect keys and certificates stored in a KeyStore using the Securosys Primus HSM JCE provider.

* Copyright (C) 2015-2022, Securosys SA

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;

import com.securosys.primus.jce.PrimusKeyAttributes;
import com.securosys.primus.jce.PrimusKeyTypes;
import com.securosys.primus.jce.PrimusProvider;

* Sample code using KeyStore aliases enumeration
* with the Securosys Primus HSM JCE provider.
public class KeyStoreEnumerationSample {

public static void main(final String... args) throws Exception {

// HSM configuration

// Obtain an instance of PrimusKeyStore from the PrimusProvider
final KeyStore primusKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(PrimusProvider.getKeyStoreTypeName(), PrimusProvider.getProviderName());

// Iterate through the aliases (keys and certificates) in the PrimusKeyStore
final Enumeration<String> keyEnum = primusKeyStore.aliases();
while (keyEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
final String alias = keyEnum.nextElement();

// Display the alias name

// Determine if the alias represents a key or a certificate
if (primusKeyStore.isKeyEntry(alias)) {
System.out.print(" key");
if (primusKeyStore.isCertificateEntry(alias)) {
System.out.print(" cert");

// Display the creation date of the key or certificate
final Date date = primusKeyStore.getCreationDate(alias);
if (date != null) {
System.out.print(" of " + date);

// Obtain more specific key types and display their flags/attributes
final String[][] keyTypes = PrimusKeyTypes.getKeyTypes(alias);
System.out.print(" " + Arrays.deepToString(keyTypes));
for (final String[] keyType : keyTypes) {
final String t = keyType[0]; // PrivateKey/PublicKey/SecretKey/etc

// Display access flags for the key type
final Integer accessFlags = PrimusKeyAttributes.getKeyAccessFlags(alias, t);
if (accessFlags != null) {
final int flags = accessFlags.intValue();
System.out.print(" 0x" + Integer.toHexString(flags));
for (int f = 1; f <= flags; f <<= 1) {
if ((flags & f) != 0) {
System.out.print(" " + PrimusKeyAttributes.getAccessFlagName(f));

// Display capability flags for the key type
final Integer capabilityFlags = PrimusKeyAttributes.getKeyCapabilityFlags(alias, t);
if (capabilityFlags != null) {
final int flags = capabilityFlags.intValue();
System.out.print(" 0x" + Integer.toHexString(flags));
for (int f = 1; f <= flags; f <<= 1) {
if ((flags & f) != 0) {
System.out.print(" " + PrimusKeyAttributes.getCapabilityFlagName(f));




  1. HSM and Provider Configuration:

    • The Primus HSM and provider are configured using PrimusHelper.setup(args).
  2. KeyStore Initialization:

    • An instance of PrimusKeyStore is obtained from the PrimusProvider and loaded.
  3. KeyStore Aliases Enumeration:

    • The code iterates through the aliases (keys and certificates) in the PrimusKeyStore.
  4. Alias Information Display:

    • Information such as the alias name, whether it represents a key or certificate, and creation date are displayed.
  5. Key Types and Attributes Display:

    • More specific key types (e.g., PrivateKey, PublicKey) are obtained, and their access and capability flags are displayed.