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Azure CLI Installation

Installing Microsoft Azure CLI

To run the commands mentioned in this guide, install the Microsoft Azure CLI on a computer connected to the Internet, according to Microsoft Install Azure CLI documentation.

Alternatively, the procedure can be performed via Azure Portal GUI or Key Vault SDK.

Prepare Azure for BYOK

Before moving onto the BYOK procedure the Microsoft Azure portal must have an existing:

  • Azure resource group,
  • Key vault.

Below is an example on how to prepare your Azure portal for the BYOK procedure. Please change the parameters according to your environment. For more information about Azure resource groups and key vaults, please visit Microsoft Azure Documentation.


This procedure can be skipped if you have already created a Key Vaultand Resource Group beforehand. The parameters below are set and marked as an example, make sure to replace them with your own parameters.

Login into azure portal using Windows PowerShell:

PS C:\Users\Public\byok> az login

Create a new resource group SecurosysPrimusGroup in Azure switzerlandnorth location:

az group create --name "SecurosysPrimusGroup" --location "switzerlandnorth"

Successful output:

"id": "/subscriptions/a5082f52-9078-430f-9dab-a7df63921aad/resourceGroups/SecurosysPrimusGroup",
"location": "switzerlandnorth",
"managedBy": null,
"name": "SecurosysPrimusGroup",
"properties": {
"provisioningState": "Succeeded"
"tags": null,
"type": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups"

Create a new key vault named SecurosysPrimusKeyVault:

az keyvault create --location switzerlandnorth --name SecurosysPrimusKeyVault --resource-group SecurosysPrimusGroup --sku premium

Successful output:

"id": "/subscriptions/a5082f52-9078-430f-9dab-a7df63921aad/resourceGroups/SecurosysPrimusGroup/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/SecurosysPrimusKeyVault",
"location": "switzerlandnorth",
"name": "SecurosysPrimusKeyVault",
"properties": {
"accessPolicies": [
"applicationId": null,
"objectId": "545b8465-9410-47f6-89d9-34fcc091e1ab",
"permissions": {
"certificates": [
"keys": [
"secrets": [
"storage": [
"tenantId": "5c75641c-0efa-4412-842a-7a6bb552cbe1"
"createMode": null,
"enablePurgeProtection": null,
"enableRbacAuthorization": null,
"enableSoftDelete": true,
"enabledForDeployment": false,
"enabledForDiskEncryption": null,
"enabledForTemplateDeployment": null,
"networkAcls": null,
"privateEndpointConnections": null,
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"sku": {
"name": "premium"
"softDeleteRetentionInDays": 90,
"tenantId": "5c75641c-0efa-4412-842a-7a6bb552cbe1",
"vaultUri": ""
"resourceGroup": "SecurosysPrimusGroup",
"tags": {},
"type": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults"

Alternatively, the procedure can be performed via Azure Portal GUI or Key Vault SDK.

With a successful installation please proceed to the Tutorial section to continue the guide.