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Generate Key Exchange Key

The KEK is an RSA key that’s generated in a Microsoft Key Vault HSM. The KEK is used to encrypt the key you want to import (target key). The KEK must be:

  • An RSA-HSM key (2’048-bit, 3’072-bit or 4’096-bit),
  • Generated in the same key vault where you intend to import the target key,
  • Created with allowed key operations set to import.

Make sure to change the parameters in the example commands to your own.

To generate the KEK, open the PowerShell and logon to Azure portal with the required subscription for Azure Key Vault:

PS C:\Users\Public\byok> az login

In case you need to create a new resource group and key vault, refer to Installation.

Use az keyvault key create command to create a Key Exchange Key (KEK) that has key operations set to import, for example:

az keyvault key create --kty RSA-HSM --size 4096 --name KEKforBYOK --ops import --vault-name myKeyVaultHSM

When the KEK is created, note down the key identifier (kid) for the generated key as it will be used later on, for example:

Download KEK

Use az keyvault key download command to download the KEK public key as .pem file. For example:

az keyvault key download --name KEKforBYOK --vault-name myKeyVaultHSM --file KEKforBYOK.publickey.pem

Transfer the KEKforBYOK.publickey.pem file to your HSM Client computer. You will need this file in the next step. The target key to import will be encrypted by using this KEK public key.