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Getting Started with Microsoft SignTool

This section provides a comprehensive guide outlining the 3 steps necessary to integrate Microsoft SignTool with Securosys CloudHSM or on-premises Primus HSM.

1. Install the Primus CNG/KSP Provider

Refer to the Primus MS CNG Provider documentation on how to download, install and configure the Primus CNG/KSP Provider.


Ensure the CNG API is licensed and activated on your HSM device.

2. Install new Signing key & Certificate

  • Check the prerequisites
  • Complete the installation.
    • Prepare the signing key request sample request.inf file,
    • generate the signing key and self-signed certificate with the previously created request file,
    • generate the signing key and public signed certificate with the request file,
    • validate your signing certificate.

3. Start Signing Files

Now you are ready to sign your files or timestamp codes, certificates, etc. using the Microsoft signtool.exe.

Follow the tutorial to sign files with Microsoft SignTool and:

  • Sign an example application,
  • Verify the signed application (file) either via CLI or GUI.
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