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Sign Files with MS Signtool

The signtool.exe is used to sign or timestamp codes, certificates, etc. Depending on the OS version the tool may be located in different folders (e.g. Windows 10/x64: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64\signtool.exe). Please refer to the Microsoft documentation for more information on the tool location.

Example – with certificate reference by subject name:

signtool.exe sign /v /fd sha256 /sm /n "signtooldemo.hsmdemo.test" Application-ToSign.exe

The following certificate was selected:
Issued to: signtooldemo.hsmdemo.test
Issued by: signtooldemo.hsmdemo.test
Expires: Thu Feb 14 16:31:30 2019

Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed: ApplicationToSign.exe

Number of files successfully Signed: 1
Number of warnings: 0
Number of errors: 0

Example – with certificate reference by SHA1 hash:

signtool.exe sign /v /fd sha256 /sm /sha1 "cb1a55f6ab8ccacedab3fcd9de48bd69be16b88d" ApplicationToSign.exe

Take care, that the certificate references are unique, otherwise, the signing process could fail (subject name, or sha1 value of the certificate). Referencing the certificate by CSP (/csp) and key container (/kc) seems to fail (reason yet not known).

Refer to signtool.exe help and Microsoft documentation for signing and verification options.

Verifying Signed File

The signature can be verified either on the command line or using the file properties dialog (Digital Signatures). The signature can be verified either via Graphical User Interface (GUI) or via Command line interface (CLI). Below are examples of both:

Below is an example of how to verify using the file properties:

  • Navigate to the properties of the signed file you would like to verify,
  • Open the Digital Signatures tab,
  • Double click the signature in the Signature list,
  • On the General tab click on View Certificate,
  • The certificate information is shown.