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Using Certutil with an HSM

Using certutil it is possible to manage existing keys, certificates, signing, encryption, and HSM-backed operations securely. This utility helps integrate HSM-based security into Windows environments, ensuring cryptographic integrity and compliance.

Below we provide certain use cases for the certutil. For more information on the commands and their parameters please see Microsoft Certutil Documentation.

List Keys

Retrieves all keys stored inside the HSM.

certutil -csp "Securosys Primus HSM Key Storage Provider" -key -user

Delete a Key

Securely removes a cryptographic key from the HSM.

certutil -delkey -csp "Securosys Primus HSM Key Storage Provider" <KeyName>

Restore a key

Restore a exported .pfx file to restore it under the original private key name by running the following command:

certutil -restorekey <myDemoCAPrimus>.p12
  • replace the example key name with your own.

Sign Data Using an HSM Key

Digitally signs data with a private key stored inside the Securosys HSM.

certutil -csp "Securosys Primus HSM Key Storage Provider" -sign -user <InputFile> <SignatureFile> "<CertificateName>"

Import a Certificate into the HSM

To import a certificate into the Securosys HSM, execute the command:

certutil -f -v [-p "<passphrase>"] -csp "Securosys Primus HSM Key Storage Provider" -importpfx <myBackupFolder>\<myCAPrivateKeyBackup>.p12 [FriendlyName="<myCAName>",KeyFriendlyName="<myCAName>",NoExport|ExportEncrypted]
  • replace the example parameters and the brackets (<>) with your own.

Export a Certificate and Private Key from the HSM

Use the following command to export the certificate and its private key:

certutil -exportpfx <myStore> <myDemoCA> <myDemoCAPrimus>.p12
  • replace the example parameters and with your own.

Testing CA service

Run the following command to verify the CA service is up and ready to receive requests:

certutil -ping

Connecting to WIN\<myDemoCA> ...
Server "<myDemoCA>" ICertRequest2 interface is alive (32ms)
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