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Permanent Secret Fetching

On initial setup and configuration of a Primus HSM partition, the installation process (Security Officer of the HSMs) generates a partition setup password for a given user. The setup password is a 29-alphanumeric dash separated string in the form of "FXAJX-XWVQ3-DC0O5-3SLQF-LJ9L3" with limited time validity starting after first usage (HSM default: 3 days; CloudHSM default: 1 week; developer account: 1 year).

This initial partition setup password is used to obtain or update a permanent secret stored in a ciphered form in the '.secrets.cfg' file using the 'ppin' command line utility. From then on, the permanent secret is used to establish the secure connection between the PKCS#11 Provider and the user's HSM partition.

In case of Service Proxy (CloudHSM) the Service Proxy password must be configured, before fetching the HSM permanent secret.


Ensure that you have read/write access to the '.secrets.cfg' file when editing permanent secrets.

The API login is protected against brute force attacks (setup password and permanent secret). After too many wrong trials the API login is locked for some time. Wrong trials are reset after a defined time. Restart of the device resets lockout and attempts.

The PKCS#11 password is also protected against brute force attacks similar to above secrets. After too many wrong trials PKCS#11 privileged access is locked (API login is still possible). The same HSM timer configurations are shared.

Adding Permanent Secret

Assume you have configured a partition for user 'HSM_USERNAME'. To fetch and add a permanent secret to your configuration, you execute the following command:

ppin -a -e HSM_USERNAME
Primus Permanent PIN
Provide setup password for 'HSM_USERNAME': <enter User Setup Password, no echo>
Provide PKCS11 password for 'HSM_USERNAME': <enter PKCS#11 PIN, no echo>
Primus Permanent PIN
[01] slot-id 0: user 'HSM_USERNAME' permanent secret: Configured

Updating Permanent Secret

In case the permanent secret was changed, you can update it using a new setup password:

ppin -u -e HSM_USERNAME
Primus Permanent PIN
Provide setup password for 'HSM_USERNAME': <enter User Setup Password, no echo>
Provide PKCS11 password for 'HSM_USERNAME': <enter PKCS#11 PIN, no echo>
Primus Permanent PIN
[01] slot-id 0: user 'HSM_USERNAME' permanent secret: Configured

Note that update procedure failure removes the current permanent secret entry. That means the next trial has to be done with "add permanent secret" (ppin -a -e HSM_USERNAME).

Removing Permanent Secret

ppin -r -e HSM_USERNAME
Primus Permanent PIN
[01] slot-id 0: user 'HSM_USERNAME' permanent secret: MISSING