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Generate and Wrap BYOK Key Material

Before exporting and wrapping the BYOK key material, some interim steps must be made.

Convert Salesforce Certificate

The Primus Tools SalesforceByokExport command currently allows for either .der or .pem formats, therefore a conversion of the Salesforce BYOK-compatible certificate file must be done. Convert the .crt file, downloaded from Salesforce, to .pem format. There are different tools that allow this conversion.

In our example the conversion is done with the OpenSSL library. For more information on OpenSSL, please refer to OpenSSL documentation.

With the library installed, use OpenSSL to change the certificate from .crt to .pem format.


openssl x509 -in BYOK1.crt -out BYOK1.pem

Create Tenant Secret Key

The tenant secret key is used as a base key from which the BYOK key material is derived. This tenant secret will be encrypted by the public key from the BYOK-compatible certificate downloaded in chapter Generate Salesforce BYOK-Compatible Certificate. To create the tenant secret key the CreateKey Primus Tools command can be used. Skip this step if you already have a key prepared with the required parameters.

Create an HMAC key with Primus Tools. CreateKey command:

java -jar primus-tools.jar CreateKey <HSM connection and credentials> -keyname SalesforceHMAC -type HMACSHA256
  • Make sure to replace the <HSM connection and credentials> parameter. See HSM Connection and Access Credentials for more details.
  • See Connectivity Details for general connection parameters required for either CloudHSM or on-premises Primus HSM.
  • With -keyname specify the name of the tenant key.
  • Keep the -type parameter set to HMACSHA256 as it is required for the Salesforce BYOK procedure.

For more information on the CreateKey command, see Primus Tools - Create Key.


Other API tools can be used to create this key. Refer to their respective guides on how to do so.

Export and Wrap the BYOK Key Material

The Primus Tools SalesforceByokExport command uses the Salesforce BYOK-compatible certificate public key to wrap a temporary extracted AES key, derived from the tenant secret key and a derivation string.

Example use of the SalesforceByokExport command:

java -jar primus-tools.jar SalesforceByokExport <HSM connection and credentials> -kekfile BYOK1.pem -hmackey SalesforceHMAC -derivation key8 -shaOnHsm -outfile BYOK


  • -kekfile, specify the converted Salesforce BYOK-compatible certificate file, see Convert Salesforce Certificate.
  • -hmackey, specify the name of the tenant secret key (HMAC key), see Create Tenant Secret Key
  • -derivation, specifiy the derivation string, this can be a random string (recommended to note down, in case the same BYOK Key Material must be exported again)
  • Use the -shaOnHSM parameter to calculate the SHA-256 on the HSM (requires a primusX.jar version 2.4.2 or later).
  • outfile, specify the file name for the exported and wrapped BYOK key material.
  • For Salesforce CA signed BYOK certificate, validate certificate chain with -validate parameter

For more information about the command and the procedure, see Primus Tools - Bring Your Own Key.

After a successful SalesforceByokExport command, 2 exported files are created. Both files are encoded in base64. In our example these files are BYOK.b64 the wrapped tenant secret and BYOK_hash.b64 the hashed tenant secret. They will be needed to import the tenant secret into Salesforce.

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