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Import BYOK Key Material

After a successful export and wrap of the BYOK-compatible key material, 2 exported files are created. These files are needed to import the BYOK-compatible key material into Salesforce.

The Salesforce Shield Key Management Service (KMS) uses your tenant secret to derive your org-specific data encryption key.

Follow the next steps to import the BYOK key material:

  1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Platform Encryption, and then select Key Management.
  2. In the Key Management Table, select a key type.
  3. Click Bring Your Own Key.
  4. In the Upload Tenant Secret section, attach both the encrypted key material (e.g. BYOK.b64) by clicking on Browse... and the hashed plaintext key material (e.g. BYOK_hash.b64). Click Upload.

Example page of Salesforce Bring Your Own Key Tenant Secret Upload

The newly imported tenant secret automatically becomes the active tenant secret within Salesforce.

Your tenant secret is now ready to be used for key derivation. From here on, the Shield KMS uses your tenant secret to derive an org-specific data encryption key. The app server then uses this key to encrypt and decrypt your users’ data.

If you don’t want Salesforce to derive a data encryption key for you, you can opt out of key derivation and upload your own final data encryption key. For more information, see Opt-Out of Key Derivation with BYOK in Salesforce Help.

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