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Sixscape’s IDcentral Key Management Platform with Securosys Primus HSMs and CloudHSM services allows to securely escrow S/MIME encryption key pairs using the Sixscape Email Security Suite and IDcentral Identity Registration Platform.

S/MIME key escrow in Sixscape’s IDcentral Key Management Platform ensures secure, compliant, and centralized storage and management of cryptographic keys, enabling data recovery and business continuity in case of key loss. This enhances security, supports regulatory compliance, and simplifies key management for users.

Architecture overview


As a prerequisite for integration, please ensure that you fulfill all the necessary requirements listed below:

  • An on-premises Securosys Primus HSM (cluster) or a CloudHSM subscription with PKCS#11 API.
  • Primus HSM PKCS#11 Provider downloaded for installation on the IDcentral Identity Registration Platform (IRP).
  • IDcentral Identity Registration Platform (IRP) installed in the enterprise network and configured with the required issuing CA connection and certificate profile to generate the S/MIME certificates.
  • IDcentral Key Management installed and configured with IDcentral IRP.
  • End-user devices should have Sixscape’s Email Security Suite Add-In installed.

Further Documentation

The actual integration between Securosys Primus HSMs and CloudHSM, and Sixscape's IDcentral Key Management platform is detailed in a knowledge base article available on Sixscape's support portal.

To access the integration documentation, please follow the link to Sixscape’s Knowledge Base Article: Securosys Escrow.


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