Initial Setup (≥ v2.11.1)
This page reflects the Quick Start Guide delivered with the device and guides how to initially setup the HSM.
Unpack the HSM
card and PIN may be sent by separate post mail for some Swiss customers.
Depending on the device type (X-Series or E-Series) the package content may differ:
- Primus X-Series device
- Primus E-Series device
Accessory box contains:
- this Quick Start Guide
- 2 power cables
- 1 USB memory stick
- 2 Genesis Cards (GN)
- 3 Security Officer (SO) Cards
Accessory box contains:
- this Quick Start Guide
- 1 power cable
- 1 USB memory stick
Obtain Activation Code, License, Firmware, Documentation
To continue, access to the Securosys Support Portal is required. If you are not a registered Support Portal user, contact for registration.
The following preparations are necessary before setting up the Primus HSM:
- Retrieve the Activation Code for the “Genesis” (GN) smartcard (physical/virtual) activation, via Support Portal Ticket:
- 1 – Administrative – Activation Code request (Primus HSM or Imunes TEE)
- Note: You do not need the activation code if you have received the GPIN by separate PIN letter.
- Download the license file from the Support Portal, provided on the asset section Company Configuration Items.
- Download the latest or required firmware under Knowledge Base – 10. Primus HSM – 8. Firmware.
- Download the corresponding User Guides under Knowledge Base – 10. Primus HSM – 7 Documentation
- Download the required provider (JCE, MS CNG, PKCS#11) software and user guide under Knowledge Base – 31. API Provider.
- Note: You do not need to download the provider if you are using HSM
- For further documentation and application notes consult the Knowledge Base.
Evaluate the Installed HSM Firmware Version
Depending on the installed firmware the update procedure might differ. A new device delivered from factory stock might not have the latest firmware installed (e.g. v2.7.x, v2.8.x).
The following step-by-step procedure helps to evaluate the installed firmware:
1) Power-up the device and wait for completion of the boot procedure, the blue moving LEDs to settle into 4 light blue steady LEDs. This indicates completion of the power-up sequence and self-tests.
2) Verify the firmware version of the device (example):
- HSM User Interface (LC Display) Primus X/S-Series
- HSM Console Primus HSM, all Series
The LC Display shows the version on the lower line right side of the screen:
Press "ENTER"
Login password: ABCD
-hsm_diagnostics fw
(or "hsm_diagnostics frw" on v2.7.x firmware)Device firmware diagnostics:
Operation mode: Normal
Firmware version: RX-2.8.46
Note: In case of firmware < v2.11, continue with Firmware update to (v2.11),
In case of firmware ≥ v2.11, continue with chapter 1.3 - Initial Setup of the HSM (firmware ≥v2.11)
Initial Setup of the HSM (firmware ≥v2.11)
Note that the procedure below applies only to firmware v2.11 and newer,
check Firmware update to (v2.11) to update to firmware version v2.11
The Initial Wizard will guide you through the complete setup process.
With firmware v2.11 onwards the Initial Wizard allows to install or update various elements partially automated via present files on inserted USB stick, up to completely setup your HSM by
Step | Operation |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | initializing the HSM (Genesis, KEK) |
7 | applying License update |
8 | applying Firmware update |
9 | choosing the operation mode |
10 | applying HSM Security Configuration (without users) |
11 | setup Root Key Store (if licensed) |
12 | creating Security Officers (SO) |
13 | differentiate between initialization of Master or Clone HSM |
13a | create user(s) from configuration files and report the generated setup passwords in files |
14 | pair Decanus Remote Terminal(s) and report pairing password and files for Decanus |
15 | generate the necessary signed attestation files for audit procedures |
Preparations for the Initial Wizard (Firmware ≥v2.11
Prepare all necessary material, information, and files for execution of the initial wizard:
- Genesis Card(s) for devices with card slots (e.g. Primus X), the Genesis PIN, either created previously or received on other ways or the Activation Code, retrieved from the support portal to generate the initial GPIN
- SO Cards in case of 2-factor authentication (Primus X, min. 2 cards)
- Decide about operation mode (normal, restricted, FIPS, CC; see chapter 3.10)
- USB memory stick to use the new features, with some of the following files prepared on the stick (optionally)
Updated license file (*.license) downloadable from the Securosys Support Portal (see asset under section Equipment & Contracts)
Latest (or required) firmware file (*.hsm; v2.11.1 or newer)
c) Device configuration file (*.sconfig, without user configuration) see chapter 14.11 (14.12.2) as example, without the user sections like
<crypto_user state="… ">
and<locked_user state="… ">
User configuration file(s) (*.pconfig) to create partitions see chapter 5.5.11 Create User(s) via XML File Import for details.
Decanus UID file (*.dconfig) for Decanus pairing Consult chapter 14.13 for XML reference.
HSM Backup file (*.backup) in case you want to restore from backup see chapter 9 Backup and Restore for details.
Run the Initial Wizard (Firmware v2.11+)
For Primus E-Series (and X-Series) you can setup the device via the console input ( ). Connect a PC (with terminal program) over the serial port with the following settings:
115200 8N1 (speed of 115200bps, 8 data bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit).
For the next Step 1 you will need the Genesis Card(s) for devices with card slots (e.g. Primus X),
and the Activation Code, retrieved from the support portal to generate the initial GPIN.
Devices without card slots (Primus E) have the Genesis card built-in, and therefore no card insertion is requested.
Please follow carefully the step-by-step procedures described below:
Power-up the device and wait for completion of the boot procedure, until all 4 LEDs light blue steady.
- HSM User Interface (LC Display) Primus X/S-Series
- HSM Console Primus HSM, all Series
- 1) Preparations
Required preparations, see chapter above
- 2) Plug-in the USB
Plug-in the prepared (or empty) USB stick into the USB Port (X-Series: front panel; E-Series: rear panel)
- 3) Login to device
- Press MENU
- select LOGIN
- and enter the default login password
, - followed by ENT on the displayed entry screen.
- 4) Initial Wizard
As long as the initial wizard is not completed you get prompted after each login again to execute (or continue) the wizard.EXECUTE WIZARD
- Confirm with YES
- 5) Setup of Genesis PIN
For the next step you will need the Genesis Card(s)
for devices with card slots (e.g. Primus X),the Genesis PIN, either created previously or received on other ways (see accompanying documentation) or the Activation Code, retrieved from the support portal to generate the initial GPIN. Devices without card slots (Primus E) have the Genesis card built-in, and therefore no card insertion is requested.ENTER GN CARD IN S2 (Card Slot 2)
- 5a) In case you have an existing Genesis PIN:
- `********`
- Confirm with OK - 5b) In case you do not have a Genesis PIN:
- Confirm with OK
- Confirm with OK
- 5a) In case you have an existing Genesis PIN:
- 6) In case the USB stick is not yet inserted:
- 7) License update
In case a license file (*.license) is found on the USB stick, the license is checked and updated if necessary.
In some upgrade scenarios the license might be updated again after the firmware update.
A license change will cause a device reboot. Restart at step 15) after the device reboot.CHECKING LICENSE UPDATE PATIENCE…
- 8) Firmware update
In case a firmware file (*.hsm) is found on the USB stick, the file is checked and updated if necessary.
A firmware change will cause a device reboot. Restart at step 15) after the device reboot.CHECKING FIRMWARE UPDATE PATIENCE…
9) Operation Mode
In the next step you define the operation mode, which cannot be changed later.USE NORMAL MODE (No - For FIPS mode)
- Select YES for
- Standard HSM setup (see 3.10)
- SIC/SECOM user (on S500 this results to restricted mode, see 3.10.2)
- Common criteria (CC) compliant setup, refer to chapter 3.10.4 for correct mode and setup selection
- Select NO for
- User requiring strict FIPS compliance (FIPS mode see chapter 3.10)
- User requiring strict FIPS compliance (FIPS mode see chapter 3.10)
Select the required operation mode (default normal mode) to continue initialization and KEK creation. This creates the internal Primus HSM encryption key. The KEK encrypts all internal files, data, certificates, and passwords of the Primus HSM. It is unique to each Primus HSM, cannot be read out and therefore it remains always in the HSM. The KEK is deleted whenever the Primus is reset to the factory-reset state and generated anew during the initial wizard or restore wizard.
- Confirm with OK
- Confirm with OK - Select YES for
- 10) Device Security Configuration
In case a device security configuration file (*.sconfig) is found on the USB stick, the content is validated and applied.
Note: the file is invalid if it contains user information!IMPORTING DEVICE CONFIGURATION PATIENCE…
- Confirm with OK
- 11) Root Key Store
In case the Root Key Store is licensed, it is setup automatically (used for audit information).
Note: This setting is required to operate TSBSETTING UP ROOT KEY STORE PATIENCE
- Confirm with OK
12) Security Officer (SO)
For the next step you will need the SO Cards in case of 2-factor authentication (Primus X, min. 2 cards).
Create two or more Security Officers (SO) for the device, by defining unique SO operator names and the associated SO PIN, which must have 8 to 12 digits and shall not lead with 0:CREATE NEW SO?
- Confirm with OK
- `SO1` (or SO-Name of your choice)
- `********`
- `********`
….(same procedure for SO2 in card slot 3)
(No - to add SO)- Choose NO to create more Security Officers.
- Choose YES if all SOs are defined and to continue the next activity of the wizard.
- Confirm with OK
- 13) Clustering
In the next step you define if you setup the device as Master or Clone (and HA or Manual):SETUP AS MASTER?
- 13a) Yes - “Setup as Master” selected:
In case Partition Configuration File(s) (*.pconfig) is found on the USB stick, the specified user(s) is created, the original file deleted, and the information of the created user with the necessary credentials (setup password etc.) is written to the output file(s) (*.pcreated) on the USB stick, until all files are processed.CREATING USER FROM CONFIGURATION FILE
- Confirm with OK
- Confirm with OK- Continue with step 14)
- Continue with step 14)
In case no Partition Configuration File was found, you are asked to create a new user (partition) and to define the username. In this case you should note the displayed Temporary Setup Password (not written to USB stick), required to initially connect with the Client Providers (JCE, MS CNG, PKCS#11) safely to the HSM. The setup password is only valid for 3 days (configurable), starting after first usage.ENTER NEW USERNAME
13b) No – “Setup as Clone” selected:
Select if you want to setup the Clone as HA Clone or Manual Clone.
The procedure writes the clone key as file to the USB stick (<devicename>.clone
- Choose Yes to integrate the clone device into a high-availability cluster
- Choose No to create a offline clone
- Confirm with OK
- 13a) Yes - “Setup as Master” selected:
- 14) Decanus
In case a Decanus list file (*.dconfig) is found on the USB stick and Decanus process is enabled, the listed Decanus ID(s) is paired, the pairing password(s) is written back to the list file, and Decanus pairing files (*.decanus) are generated:CREATING DECANUS PAIRING FILES PATIENCE…
- 15) Audit Information
In case the Root Key Store is setup, the Audit Information is written to the USB stick (*, *, * After that the initial wizard terminates.EXPORTING DEVICE AUDIT INFORMATION PATIENCE…
- Confirm with OK
- 1) Preparations
Required preparations, see chapter above
- 2) Plug-in the USB
Plug-in the prepared (or empty) USB stick into the USB Port (X-Series: front panel; E-Series: rear panel)
- 3) Connect Serial Cable to PC
To setup your device using the CLI connect your PC (with terminal program) over the serial port with the following settings: 115200 8N1 (speed of 115200bps, 8 data bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit)
- 4) Login to device
In Terminal-Program: Press "ENTER"- Login password: `ABCD`
5) Initial Wizard
As long as the initial wizard is not completed you get prompted after each login again to execute (or continue) the wizard.Execute initial wizard? [Yes]/No
(No - Resume to device menu)
- Confirm with YES
6) Setup of Genesis PIN
For the next step you will need the Genesis Card(s)
for devices with card slots (e.g. Primus X), the Genesis PIN, either created previously or received on other ways (see accompanying documentation) or the Activation Code, retrieved from the support portal to generate the initial GPIN. Devices without card slots (Primus E) have the Genesis card built-in, and therefore no card insertion is requested.Use existing Genesis PIN? [Yes]/No
(No - to create one)-
6a) In case you have an existing Genesis PIN:
Enter PIN for Genesis card (Active) in Slot 2 (4 attempts left):
- `>>> ********`
PIN accepted!- Continue with step 7)
6b) In case you do not have a Genesis PIN:
Enter activation code:
New PIN!
Enter PIN for Genesis card (Active) in Slot 2:
- `>>> ********`
Reenter PIN for Genesis card (Active) in Slot 2:
- `>>> ********`
PIN accepted!
Genesis card updated …
- 7) In case the USB stick is not yet inserted:
Insert USB memory stick and then press `<ENTER>`.
- 8) License update
In case a license file (*.license) is found on the USB stick, the license is checked and updated if necessary.
In some upgrade scenarios the license might be updated again after the firmware update.
A license change will cause a device reboot. Restart at step 1) after the device reboot.Checking license update
Patience, updating license...
License updated!
- 9) Firmware update
In case a firmware file (*.hsm) is found on the USB stick, the file is checked and updated if necessary.
A firmware change will cause a device reboot. Restart at step 15) after the device reboot.Checking firmware update
Patience, updating firmware...
Firmware updated!
- 10) Operation Mode
In the next step you define the operation mode, which cannot be changed later.- Select YES for
- Standard HSM setup (see 3.10)
- SIC/SECOM user (on S500 this results to restricted mode, see 3.10.2)
- Common criteria (CC) compliant setup, refer to chapter 3.10.4 for correct mode and setup selection
- Select NO for
- User requiring strict FIPS compliance (FIPS mode see chapter 3.10)
Use normal mode? [Yes]/No (No - FIPS mode)
Creating KEK
Patience, operation in progress...
KEK created! - Select YES for
- 11) Device Security Configuration
In case a device security configuration file (*.sconfig) is found on the USB stick, the content is validated and applied.
Note: the file is invalid if it contains user information!Importing device configuration
Importing the configuration from the USB is successful!
- 12) Root Key Store
In case the Root Key Store is licensed, it is setup automatically (used for audit information).Setting up root key store
Root key store setup successful!
- 13) Security Officer (SO)
For the next step you will need the SO Cards in case of 2-factor authentication (Primus X, min. 2 cards).
Create two or more Security Officers (SO) for the device, by defining unique SO operator names and the associated SO PIN, which must have 8 to 12 digits and shall not lead with 0:Creating SO
Enter SO card owner name:
- `>>> SO1`
New PIN!
Enter PIN for SO card (Device) in Slot 1:
- `>>> ********`
Reenter PIN for SO card (Device) in Slot 1:
- `>>> ********`
PIN accepted!Enter SO card owner name:
- `>>> SO2`
New PIN!
Enter PIN for SO card (Device) in Slot 3:
- `>>> ********`
Reenter PIN for SO card (Device) in Slot 3:
- `>>> ********`
PIN accepted!Continue device setup wizard? [Yes]/No (No - Add additional security officer)
- Choose NO to create more Security Officers.
- Choose YES if all SOs are defined and to continue the next activity of the wizard.
SO role created!
- 14) Clustering
In the next step you define if you setup the device as Master or Clone (and HA or Manual):Setup as master? [Yes]/No
14a) Yes - “Setup as Master” selected:
In case Partition Configuration File(s) (*.pconfig) is found on the USB stick, the specified user(s) is created, the original file deleted, and the information of the created user with the necessary credentials (setup password etc.) is written to the output file(s) (*.pcreated) on the USB stick, until all files are processed.Creating user from configuration file
User xxxxxxx successfully created!
User xxxxxxx successfully created!
In case no Partition Configuration File was found, you are asked to create a new user (partition) and to define the username. In this case you should note the displayed Temporary Setup Password (not written to USB stick), required to initially connect with the Client Providers (JCE, MS CNG, PKCS#11) safely to the HSM. The setup password is only valid for 3 days (configurable), starting after first usage.
Enter new username:
- `>>> PARTITION001`
Temporary setup password is: aaaaa-bbbbbccccc-ddddd-eeeee- Continue with step 15)
14b) No – “Setup as Clone” selected:
Select if you want to setup the Clone as HA Clone or Manual Clone.
The procedure writes the clone key as file to the USB stick (<devicename>.clone
):Setup as high availability clone? [Yes]/No <br />
(No - Setup as offline clone)
- Type Yes to integrate the clone device into a high-availability cluster
- Type No to create a offline clone
Patience, operation in progress...
Clone key created- Continue with step 15)
15) Decanus
In case a Decanus list file (*.dconfig) is found on the USB stick and Decanus process is enabled, the listed Decanus ID(s) is paired, the pairing password(s) is written back to the list file, and Decanus pairing files (*.decanus) are generated:Creating DECANUS list pairing file
- 16) Audit Information
In case the Root Key Store is setup, the Audit Information is written to the USB stick (*, *, * After that the initial wizard terminates.Exporting device audit information
Wizard finished OK.
After this step the initial wizard has completed and cannot be restarted (except after factory reset).
After the initial wizard, the HSM is either in the state “Master” or “Clone” as indicated on the display with "MSTR" or "CLON".
Note: before live operation, we recommend to setup additional GN and SO cards for redundancy purposes in case of loss/damage of a card. See the User Guide for specific instructions.
Assure integrity of the device (checking digital seal and hardware seal)
The digital seal allows to check that the equipment was not manipulated, tampered, or reset since factory provisioning.
- HSM User Interface (LC Display) Primus X/S-Series
- HSM Console Primus HSM, all Series
The above command should display the digital seal code.
Raise a ticket on the Securosys Support Portal under "1 – Administrative”, “Digital Seal Validation request (Primus HSM or Imunes TEE)", referencing the equipment (asset, serial number) and the digital seal code.
Our technical support will confirm the validity of the digital seal code.